Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After countless hours, e-mails and phone calls with tech support, is finally ready for the world to see! I really want to give special thanks to:

  • Joe Carey for all of the I.T. input! I've learned a lot over the past few weeks!
  • Crystal Henning for her Photoshop skills and feedback
  • Avery James Photography for photo donations
  • My parents for their support and interest in my passion for behaviorism

Now that the site is up and running, it's time to get the word out! I ordered some great business supplies today and am that much closer to the day I can begin writing for Autism Prose! I can't wait for our first story request!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Social networking

In creating the Autism Prose web site, I pondered ways to make it more interactive. As we all know, the internet is a fantastic tool that we use to gather information and resources for our children. But what about input from other parents? What about support?!

I realized that I don't simply want to offer Social Stories and behavior support to those who visit the page; I also want to create a welcoming and enriching environment where visitors can feel like ... family!

So I've decided to create pages on Myspace and We Are Autism. I have hope that there I will meet new friends, and that those friends will in turn meet each other and explore groups/clubs that will be an asset to their support team :)